News & Aktuelles

Austrian Wings: Flughafen Frankfurt entwickelt digitale Anmeldeprozesse für Frachtbereich weiter

Einheitliche Formulare für Frachtführer und Handlingagenten zielen auf deutliche Effizienzsteigerung, erklärt der Airport. Die Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V. vereinheitlicht derzeit die Anmeldeprozesse für Lkw-Fahrer in der CargoCity am Frankfurter Flughafen. Damit soll der Koordinierungsaufwand zwischen Transporteuren und Handlingagenten erheblich vereinfacht werden. Ziel ist es, die bei jeder Einfahrt notwendigen Stopps zur Anmeldung der Fahrer und ihrer Frachten zu verkürzen.

Process: Pharmatransporte sind künftig schneller bestellbar

Die Air Cargo Community Frankfurt entwickelt schnellere und durchgängige Bestellprozesse für die Pharmazeutische Industrie. Eine neue IT-Plattform soll für einen verbesserten, unternehmensübergreifenden Informationsfluss sorgen.

The STAT Trade Times: Air Cargo Community Frankfurt gets faster ordering process

Air Cargo Community Frankfurt is developing faster and consistent ordering processes with an improved flow of information for the pharmaceutical industry. These efforts are based on a combined IT solution for automated and electronic process support which allows a complete exchange of information between all members of the supply chain.

FIFTY SKY SHADES: Frankfurt Airport develops digital registration process for cargo sector

Air Cargo Community Frankfurt is unifying the registration process for truck drivers at the airport. This step aims to reduce the coordination effort between hauliers, forwarders and handling agents by decreasing the duration of stops at the registration within CargoCity.

Air Cargo News: Frankfurt studies speedier cargo

Frankfurt is streamlining and digitising the registration process for truck drivers at the airport to speed up operations. Germany’s largest air cargo gateway said that trucks generally have to wait to be loaded or unloaded but a study of the freight area by Kai-Oliver Schocke, Professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences found that digitisation of check-in could save ten minutes per truck. With more than 1,000 trucks arriving daily, the total time saving could be very significant, it added.

Air Cargo Week: ACE: Air Cargo Community Frankfurt optimises pharma with new IT platform

All members of the Air Cargo Community Frankfurt are to invest in the optimisation of the ordering process and operation management of pharmaceutical transportation. These efforts are based on a combined IT platform, which is set to go live and be rolled-out in the summer this year for automated and electronic process support which allows a complete exchange of information between all members of the supply chain.


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